Chiropractic Information & Resources
What is Chiropractic and what can it do for me?
In 1995, chiropractic care celebrated a century of treating hundreds of millions of patients world wide. The main focus of chiropractic practice is the relationship between the function of joints, muscles and the nervous system (neuromusculoskeletal disorders) and the effects of these disorders on health. Management includes manual treatments, physical medicine modalities, exercise programs, patient education and lifestyle modification, and the use of orthotics. There is an emphasis on joint manipulation, called joint adjustment in chiropractic, because of its proven effectiveness. There is also an emphasis on health promotion and early return to activities for injured patients.
Chiropractors make no use of drugs or surgery, and refer patients for medical care when those interventions are indicated. Interdisciplinary practice is now common, with chiropractors, medical doctors, physical therapists and others working as partners in occupational health, national sports medicine teams, and automobile accident and other rehabilitation centers.
Reference: World Federation of Chiropractic
What To Expect On My First Chiropractic Visit?
When you arrive you will be greeted by one of our staff and you will be provided with a few registration and medical history forms. Next, you will have a consultation with a staff chiropractor to determine if your case will be accepted for care.
If your case is accepted, you will receive a physical examination which may or may not include diagnostic testing such as x-rays, MRI, CT scan, or laboratory work. Once a working diagnosis is determined, a treatment plan will be discussed with you. This may include care at our facility or a referral to another medical professional for further evaluation.
We are sensitive to our patient’s concerns. We like to treat our patients the same way we would like to be treated. If you have any questions along the way, please make sure to discuss them with your doctor. A well-informed patient makes a big difference.
To Schedule a MyChiro Appointment: Call (540) 720-5256
Chiropractic History and Research Resource Topics
Chiropractic History and Dr. D.D. Palmer
Chiropractic in US Health Care
Chiropractic Education
Chiropractic Practice
Chiropractic Scope of Practice
Research in Chiropractic
Insurance Coverage for Chiropractic
Benefits of Spinal Manipulation
Synopsis, Research, & Policy Issues
Benefits and Risks of Manipulation
Source: Chiropractic in the United States:
Training, Practice, and Research